ITS A BOY!!!!!!
Well, after 9+ months of waiting, Max Charles Epstein was born August 30th at 1:25 in the morning, all 7lbs 10oz of him.
| Max's First Photo!!! They whisked Max away so fast after he came out, we didn't know if it was a boy or girl for a few minutes. |
| Max's First Photo with Mommy! |
| Max and Daddy |
| Ellen just after arriving at the hospital. This is before she got the epidural, during one of the pain-free moments. Once she got the epidural, everything changed for the better. For a while. |
| The magic epidural (which I asked for, but was refused) allowed her to nap for a while, before the real labor began. |
| Max resting nicely. |
| Max and Grandma Rhoda |
| Max with Pop-Pop Herb and Bubbe Selma |
| The first photo of all three Epsteins, just as we were leaving the hospital. |
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| Max with his Mom and Dad, and Ellen's parents Herb and Selma. |
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